Vivienne Tobassa


Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. —Napoleon Hill

Professional Credentials

Career Profile, Qualifications and Achievements


Professional Capability

Too often in our world of mass social media marketing, we are offered what seems like amazing opportunities to change our lives, learn and grow—when really the offers come from someone who is fresh out of school and has very little true experience.  Perhaps they are good at… selling, and that may be the transformation you seek for your business.  In which case you won’t mind parting with your financial resources.  But if you want to truly develop life mastery, your best guide is someone who has lived, breathed, skilled and achieved it themselves.  Wholistic mastery does not come quickly.  Spiritual transcendence is a gradual unfolding and flowering of life self-realisation.  Experience alone is not enough.  The maestro must perfect themselves in one area and then apply that success formula across multiple facets and expressions of their life.  Intellectual knowledge is not enough.  But to stay current, empowerment and transformative learning forms the major pivot in one’s life.  Neuroplasticity brings wellness and longevity in addition to wisdom and skill.  Don’t put your life well-being solely in a good sales campaign.  Instead be reassured that you are mentored, coached and receiving consultation services from a true expert who has quietly achieved many innovative ‘firsts’ in her career while contributing to her philanthropy and work with humanity.

Vivienne Tobassa has had a diverse and highly successful career that she has navigated as an ‘ordinary person’.  These skills and competencies have grown and supported her most ‘extraordinary’ life as a holistic, spiritual emissary and creative.

  • 1991—2008

    Management and Change, Communications Culture Consultant

    I established my professional management consultancy and engaged significant contractual roles with corporations, government agencies and community organisations and small to medium enterprise clients. I achieved international recognition as an expert in Change Management, Communications and Culture with organisation integration, operations and stakeholder management and cultural adoption. Over fifteen years I developed industry expertise, held various full-time and concurrent client responsibilities within short and long-term client engagements.

  • 2009-2012

    Career Professional Development Academic and Social Development

    I undertook post-graduate tertiary studies to expand my existing managerial consulting expertise and consolidate the personal life skills and charity work I had cultivated while consulting and living in several countries. I studied master’s qualifications in Fine and Literary Arts, Commerce, Management, Law and Communications.

  • 2012-2017

    Managerial and Strategic Change Advisor, ASEAN United Nations

    Achievements and responsibilities:  Recognised as an international expert in Management Strategy, Change and Culture Transformation and Communications. Appointed as Director Advisor to United Nations board for strategic management.  Partner-consulted to University Widya Wiwaha, Java and Advisor to President Indonesia, Minister of Finance, Minister of Education and other Ministers for the purposes of designing and developing a transformation and communications management strategy, a good governance and accountability systems of sustainable economic management futures.  After designing the first transformation strategy for a country in economic transition, I was appointed advisor-director to the Forum for International Accountancy and Public Governance of Indonesia. The board comprised heads of universities, ministries and public governance advisors in Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa, America and the Middle East.  In 2015 the board in partnership with World Bank became a certified United Nations organisation (CAAGA). I continued to provide expert advisory regarding managerial governance, education, cultural change, strategic international human resources and communications.  From 2016, CAAGA became an international concern. I conducted education sector assessments and developed curriculum, directed establishment of international standards and professional learning development with accredited certification for public sector practitioners in association to CAAGA activities and the now over 700 partnering universities.  I provided ad hoc managerial advisory in strategy, web commerce, marketing, human resources, innovation design and management, creative economies. In 2013 Indonesia became the first country in the world to have a specific ministry for creative economies (encapsulating wellness and tourism into the creative industries arena).  I delivered keynote speaking, lecturing and public relations.  I applied my personal interest creative arts, therapies and design skills to fair trade village business development, innovation, workshops and events.  I wrote and published my first book as a creative praxis.

  • 2018-current

    Managing Director Tobassa Limited

     Incorporated and established my previously international management Consultancy in New Zealand.  Continued providing ad hoc expert advisory to education, engineering and ministerial sectors ASEAN, via Indonesian tertiary education sector.

  • 2018

    Consultative Review Manager

     Collaborative regional management contextual strategy  Stakeholder relationship management modelling and assessment  Talent and Relationship Management Needs, Gaps and Trends Analysis  Change and Communications Management and Systems design  Strategy and Planning, Sustainability, SMART and Education Futures  Review report to the three initiating Mayors and managerial stakeholders.

  • 2019-Current

    Academic and Professional Development

     Master of Arts, Anthropology, updated my cultural knowledge skills, education sector awareness, evidencing international trends in society, research and writing capabilities.  Graduate Diploma of Psychology, updated my existing organisation development, coaching and therapies skills to improve my competency in human systems, design, and interpersonal skills. I applied my learning also to communications, marketing and educational development.  NCALNE NZQA accredited literacy and numeracy in learning development programs. I transferred my international professional courseware design skills into the NZ Quality environment.

  • 2022-current

    Coaching, Professional Development and Personal Empowerment

    I apply my extensive business, management, therapies, coaching and leadership mentoring skills to support individuals and organisations to make a profound transformation, achieve lasting success and add value. I facilitate current clients with web and in-person programs.

  • 2022-current

    Professional Author/Writer and Editor

    Utilising writing skills and qualifications developed early in my career, I wrote and published a book. I also developed the initial components of screenplay development. I was approached by several publishers and film studios after significant acclaim from international book critics of my first published book. I am currently in a book development phase, with the acquisition offer from an international top-five publisher. I continue to write part-time—also utilising my current academic research knowledge.

  • 2020-current

    Trust Founder and Managing Director

     Trust Director and current Chairperson  Governance, Incorporation, Organisation Development, Strategic Planning  Business General Management, Financial Administration and Operations  Sponsorship, Advocacy, Relationship Management, Fundraising  Human Resources, Communications, Marketing and Public Relations  Trust Programs and Learning Development offered by the Trust  Web and digital development  Research and development; Educator seminar and workshop facilitation.

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