Vivienne Tobassa


I learned that there is an inner strength that blossoms when one cleanses themselves by processing and attempting to comprehend their situation and/or experience. — Dominique Jackson

Healing Trauma and Limitation

A Time and Place for Professional Distance and Human Connection


Vivienne Tobassa: Holistic Therapist and Wellness Practitioner

Unlocking Your Full Potential: Transpersonal Therapies and Coaching

Vivienne Tobassa is a qualified, experienced therapist and holistic health practitioner who offers a unique approach to personal growth and transformation through Transpersonal Therapies and Coaching services. The role of a Transpersonal Coach is to guide and support clients on a journey toward developing a more expansive and interconnected sense of self. This transformative process opens the door to accessing the inner resources necessary to attain one’s fullest potential and optimal performance in life.


Transcending Boundaries: The Integral Domain of Mind, Body, and Spirit

Our Transpersonal Therapies and Coaching take a holistic approach, recognizing the integral relationship between the mind, body, and spirit. We understand that personal growth and transformation cannot be compartmentalized but must be addressed as a whole. By exploring the interconnectedness of these domains, we transcend boundaries and embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and empowerment. Our therapies aim to heal, align, and nurture the integral self, fostering a sense of balance and harmony that permeates every aspect of your life.


Reaching Transcendence: A Journey to the Fullest Potential

Transcendence is at the core of our approach. Through our Transpersonal Therapies and Coaching, you’ll have the opportunity to break free from limitations, embrace your inner wisdom, and experience the profound interconnectedness of all life. This journey extends beyond the ordinary, guiding you to the realm of transcendence where your fullest potential resides. Our mission is to empower you to connect with your inner spirit, unlock your hidden potential, and attain the highest level of performance and fulfilment.

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Therapies and Psychotherapeutic Approaches

Exploring Transpersonal Modalities and Therapies

In the realm of Transpersonal Therapies and Coaching, a diverse range of modalities is employed to facilitate personal growth, transformation, and self-discovery. These modalities are rooted in the belief that individuals possess a vast reservoir of inner wisdom, and by tapping into these resources, profound healing and empowerment can be achieved. Let’s delve into some of the key modalities and therapies commonly used in the transpersonal approach.

Gestalt Therapy: Fostering Wholeness

Gestalt therapy focuses on helping individuals become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in the present moment. It’s a modality that encourages self-acceptance, personal responsibility, and the exploration of unresolved emotions. Through Gestalt therapy, clients gain insight into their patterns and learn to integrate fragmented aspects of their selves, fostering a sense of wholeness and balance.

Inner Child Work: Healing Past Wounds

Inner child work is a powerful tool for healing past emotional wounds and nurturing the inner child within. It allows individuals to revisit childhood experiences, address unmet needs, and provide the love and care that may have been lacking. By reconnecting with the inner child, clients can release emotional baggage, cultivate self-compassion, and develop a healthier relationship with themselves.

Connected Breath Therapies: Accessing the Subconscious

Connected breath therapies, such as Holotropic Breathwork, guide individuals to explore the power of the breath as a gateway to the subconscious. Through controlled and rhythmic breathing, clients can access deep-seated emotions and memories, leading to profound insights, emotional release, and spiritual experiences. This modality is a transformative journey of self-discovery.

EMDR and PSTEC: Healing Trauma and Phobias

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and PSTEC (Percussive Suggestion Technique) are modalities used to process and heal traumatic experiences and phobias. EMDR utilizes bilateral eye movements to reprocess distressing memories, while PSTEC employs a percussive sound to address emotional issues. Both modalities aim to alleviate the emotional charge associated with trauma and negative experiences.

Mindset Repatterning: Shifting Beliefs

Mindset repatterning is a modality that focuses on identifying and shifting limiting beliefs that hinder personal growth. By transforming negative thought patterns into empowering ones, individuals can overcome self-sabotage, increase self-confidence, and create a positive and resilient mindset.

Psychodynamic Therapy: Uncovering the Unconscious

Psychodynamic therapy explores the unconscious aspects of the psyche and their influence on behaviour. It delves into the complexities of human thought, emotions, and motivations. Through psychodynamic therapy, clients gain insight into their hidden desires, fears, and unresolved conflicts, leading to personal transformation.

NLP and Hypnotherapy: Unraveling Deep Subconscious Behaviors

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and hypnotherapy are potent tools in the realm of Transpersonal Therapies and Coaching. These modalities delve deep into the subconscious to address behaviours that may be causing limitations and restricting beliefs. They prove particularly helpful in tackling issues such as trauma, phobias, anxiety, weight loss, smoking cessation, and goal setting. By reprogramming the mind and promoting positive change at the subconscious level, NLP and hypnotherapy empower individuals to break free from self-imposed constraints, fostering personal growth and lasting transformation.


These are just a few of the modalities and therapies Vivienne Tobassa commonly uses in the transpersonal approach. Each one plays a unique role in helping individuals access their inner wisdom, heal past wounds, and embark on a transformative journey toward self-discovery and empowerment.  Make a start on your healing and empowerment journey today.

The Psycho-Sociological Frame for Integral Wholeness

The Anthropology of Consciousness and Dreaming

Anthropology of Consciousness explores the diverse ways in which human societies, cultures, and individuals perceive, experience, and understand consciousness. It examines the cultural, social, and psychological dimensions of consciousness, shedding light on how it is shaped by beliefs, practices, and interactions within a cultural context. From this frame, we delve into the captivating world of beliefs, practices, and cultural interactions that shape our understanding of the human mind.  Here, we explore alternative realities, and connect and emerge the inner and social worlds of holistic ‘being’ to transcend new levels of awareness.  We embody our spiritual higher self and expanded consciousness.

Transcending Boundaries: From Inner Psychological Realms to Social Interactions

We recognise that our inner psychological world is not separate from our social world of ‘other’ and the environment in which we interact. The modalities and format developed by Vivienne Tobassa, are holistic, bridging the gap between the individual psyche and the external realm. We believe that true transformation is achieved when we unite these domains, harnessing the wisdom of Eastern and Shamanic traditions, and the insights of Psychosynthesis to navigate our unique journeys of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.  Vivienne Tobassa’s services include programs she has developed to transcend intuitive abilities and spiritual awareness. TySyZyGy is Tobassa’s profound holistic well-being program that encompasses vibrational healing, Shamanic and other tribal traditions—melding science, creativity and Sacred Feminine wisdom.

Embarking on a Journey of Transformation

Vivienne Tobassa embraces an expansive framework rooted in the psycho-socio context and Anthropology of Consciousness. This mandala serves as the guiding light for our holistic approach to personal transformation. It encompasses a wide spectrum of techniques, tools, and therapies, designed to provide a deeply realised experience beyond purely psychological approaches.

Liminality, Dreamwork, and Vision Questing

Our approach integrates elements of liminality, dreamwork, and vision questing, recognising that the threshold between conscious and unconscious realms is fertile ground for personal growth. By exploring the landscapes of dreams and visions, we uncover hidden wisdom and insights that pave the way for illumination.

Creative and Narrative Therapies

Creativity is a powerful tool for self-discovery and empowerment. Through creative and narrative therapies, Vivienne Tobassa encourages individuals to express their inner worlds, thoughts, and emotions in a meaningful and artistic manner. This process allows for the exploration of personal stories and the creation of new narratives that support growth and transcendence.

The Hero’s Journey and Social Approaches

The Hero’s journey, both within and without, is central to Vivienne Tobassa’s approach. Her recent anthropological research finds this motif is not purely a superficial mythological epic of inner archetypes.  In the paradigm of Panpsychism and sub-atomic energetic existence, the astral cosmology of our most ancient ancestors marked the patterns and songlines that formed our existence.  With new understanding, we hold your personal transformation as an epic adventure, and we guide you to gain higher awareness and navigate through the trials and triumphs of your unique journey.

Dance, Sound, and Embodied Experiences

Movement, dance, sound, and music play a vital role in our approach. We encourage individuals to connect with their bodies and the wisdom they hold. Through dance and embodied experiences, combined with the power of sound and music, we tap into the transformative potential of movement, helping you transcend limitations and cultivate spiritual awareness.


Our general approaches include social values and esteem-building activities.  We address interpersonal skills: communication, professional speaking, presenting, and interactive relationship skills.  We support you to know and love yourself—and to enhance your ability to connect with others, fostering spiritual awareness and values that support sustainable growth.  We’re here to assist you.

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Your Gift of Love

your change is the key to unlock a better life

A Unique and Innovative Framework

Vivienne Tobassa developed a toolkit of modalities, techniques and approaches as a specialist within her field.  The unique and innovative framework draws from her significant spiritual consciousness, life experience, and academic background that includes triple majors in Psychology and Arts, Cognitive Science, and Cultural Anthropology.  This unique perspective sets the stage for a transformative journey that transcends boundaries, fosters reconnection with your true self, and empowers you to embrace the fullness of your being.  Get in touch to benefit from the therapeutic services that she tailors to your needs and circumstances—just for you and your personal development.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation to Get Started

Schedule your first appointment with Vivienne Tobassa by requesting a free fifteen-minute consultation to find out if you are a good fit for our services.  No obligation to proceed.  Or simply select the service appointment you require and connect.

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